1906 captures 42% more reviews with in-email collection

1906 captured 42% more reviews in an A/B test with Zaymo, proving interactive emails significantly change consumer behavior.

Apr 14, 2024



Zaymo is committed to rigorous case studies that not only convince brands to try the tech but also convince us that this tech is worth working on. This was one of those cases.

1906 is a forward-thinking supplements brand that likes to be on the cutting edge of everything they do. Email marketing is no exception. When they heard that using Zaymo, consumers could leave reviews completely inside the email they were excited to give it a try. As a rapidly growing brand, reviews are a critical piece of their growth and retention strategy.

When we proposed the idea of in-email reviews to the team at 1906, they quickly bought into the idea. It makes sense that interactive emails that get rid of annoying redirects would cause a significantly larger number of reviews collected. We got to work setting up the test.


To make sure the results were trustworthy, we set up a randomized A/B test in Klaviyo with identical copies of the “Review Request'' email. The subject line and preview text were identical. The first email contained the old-fashioned star links, and the other contained Zaymo’s new interactive reviews block. We let the flow run for 30 days and came back to analyze the results.


After 30 days, the scoreboard showed the following results:

  • Old-fashioned email conversion rate: 1.2%

  • Zaymo email conversion rate: 1.7%

  • Zaymo Conversion Boost: 42%


Interactive Emails significantly change consumer behavior. In this case, interactivity resulted in almost 50% more people leaving reviews on their purchases.

The 1906 team was stoked with the results. In their words, “This is great!!”, “FANTASTIC!!!”, and “Zaymo wins!”. They have continued using the Zaymo email and are implementing other interactive email use cases.

The Zaymo team was also happy with the outcome although we weren't surprised. It seems pretty obvious that letting consumers take actions inside of emails would result in higher conversion rates.

We are actively exploring other touch points in a customer's lifecycle where this type of interactive experience could make a big difference. Some things were currently building include:

  • One-click purchases

  • Subscription + loyalty management

  • SMS capture

  • One-click subscription reactivation

  • Polls and surveys