Bubs decreases subscriber churn 24%

By integrating with Skio, Zaymo’s in-email subscription management reduced Bubs’ notification-related churn by 20%

Jul 10, 2024


Notifications to subscription customers often increase cancellations. However, failing to notify a subscriber of their upcoming order is bad practice, decreases trust, and–in some cases–breaks state law.

Bubs has been a long-time happy user of Skio. They have followed best practices to notify customers of upcoming subscriptions but, like most brands, consistently saw a spike in cancellations associated with upcoming order notifications.

Zaymo helps bridge the gap by making it easy to give subscribers easy access to information and the ability to update the order without logging into the portal. Subscribers can change contents or change the delivery date without exposure to the cancel button.

Data shows that the majority of subscribers who delayed continued the subscription the following month.


Bubs ran an A/B test. The ‘A’ variant was the typical upcoming order email with information about the order and a CTA to manage the subscription in the portal. The ‘B’ variant replaced the CTA with Zaymo’s in-email subscription management module. A link to the portal was still provided so subscribers could cancel if they chose to.


Compared to the static emails, the interactive emails did the following:

  • Engagement rate: +2%

  • Click-through rate: -47%

  • Cancelation rate: -24%

Cancelation related to this email dropped drastically. Click-throughs to the portal also dropped as customers interacted with the email rather than logging into the site.


Bubs reduced cancellations from Skio subscribers and gave them a premium experience that they haven’t seen anywhere else.


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