Focl decreases subscriber churn 21%

Zaymo’s in-email subscription management reduced Focl’s notification-related churn by 21%

Jul 5, 2024


Managing subscription notifications effectively is crucial for customer retention. Failure to inform customers about their upcoming orders can lead to increased churn, erode trust, and even lead to legal issues in some regions.

Like most Skio users, Focl faced a noticeable increase in cancellations triggered by upcoming order notifications. To tackle this issue, Focl integrated Zaymo’s innovative in-email subscription management portal.


Focl conducted an A/B test to quantify Zaymo’s impact. The control group received standard upcoming order emails. The test group received Zaymo’s interactive module directly within the email. Both variants provided a link to the portal for those opting to cancel.


Focl’s results are below:

  • Interaction rate: +13%

  • Click-through rate: -25%

  • Cancelation rate: -21%

  • One-time add-ons: +8%

The shift to interactive emails not only decreased cancellation rates associated with notifications but also led to fewer customers needing to visit the portal for subscription management. Moreover, customers engaged more with the email content, resulting in higher average order values (AOV) through additional item purchases.


By leveraging Zaymo’s technology, Focl enhanced the overall customer experience. Approaching emails with Zaymo’s tech in mind differentiated Focl in the market by offering a seamless way for subscribers to manage their subscriptions and mitigate the traditional risk of cancellation.


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