Gozney increases abandoned cart revenue 27% with Zaymo

Gozney increased abandoned cart revenue 27% in an A/B test with Zaymo, validating Zaymo`s mission to eliminate click-throughs from email marketing.

Oct 23, 2023


Gozney, a global pizza oven brand with a cult-like following, has six figures flowing from the abandoned cart flow every month. But, like many brands, Gozney's flow captures less than 5% of the value locked up in abandoned carts.

When we met to talk about increasing conversions from abandoned carts, Gozney must have been surprised to hear that to increase orders, we wanted to decrease the click-through rate.

Together, we developed the thesis that the click to the website was the greatest point of friction. We postulated that if we embedded a shopping experience in the email, we could expose every email opened to most of the purchasing journey. We believed more potential customers would decide to convert if they had the right information to decide BEFORE returning to the site to enter payment information.


To test this thesis, Zaymo put together an old-fashioned Klaviyo A/B test with one branch touting Gozney's current email designs and another branch replacing the call to action with Zaymo's “Shop in Email” widget. Gozney let the flows do their thing for a month and came back to analyze the results.


Compared to the static emails, the interactive emails did the following:

  • Click-through Rate: -20%

  • Placed Order Rate: +68%

  • Attributed Revenue: +27%


Zaymo was thoughtful in designing an embedded shopping experience that would actually drive revenue and conversions. The design centered around a three-pronged approach focusing on (1) transparency, (2) engagement, and (3) cart size.


The #1 reason online purchases are abandoned is unexpected costs. A Zaymo-powered interactive email is uniquely positioned to combat this by connecting the email to live & contextualized information from the store. Zaymo introduced an in-email estimated total that dynamically pulls from current pricing, applied discount codes, and estimated taxes. Because the email does the math, the consumer can't be surprised by pricing in the checkout. Zaymo even prompts the customer to change their cart if a product is out of stock.


Engaging a user with the email increases the likelihood of purchase. With this fact in mind, Zaymo did everything to mimic a product page experience, displaying several images of the product to swipe between, providing expandable product descriptions, and letting customers change color, size, and fuel type of the ovens. With an interactive discount code field, customers could enter discount codes and watch the price change before their eyes.

Cart size

Zaymo used in-email product upsells to increase Gozney's cart sizes. Remember, revenue is a product of average cart size and the number of orders placed. Transparency and engagement naturally help with the number of orders placed, but Zaymo used both to recommend related accessories and allow the customer to add items to the cart straight from the email. Zaymo's upsell items have transparent pricing and allow customers to engage with the “add to cart” button without leaving the email.


Book a call to see how Zaymo can improve your revenue.